Monday, June 13, 2011

Elecoldxhot members

From left: Faruq(from HMC Phlow), Joey, Chriz Ooi, Joe Lin, Billy Yap, Dennis Yin.

Disclaimer : I got this photo from Elecoldxhot facebook fanpage...

A lil intro maybe, but I knew them mostly from Astro Battleground... Chriz and Billy are the original members. Together with Monkey, Leon and Gary, they won Astro Battleground 2008 with their creative and neat choreography.

Dennis was also a winner of Astro Battleground 2007, competing under a highly potential crew known as Racken Force. He joined Elecoldxhot to challenge Astro Battleground again in 2009 and had fought beautifully to the final. Despite outstanding performances delivered throughout the show, this crew was only able to get first runner up in the competition.

Joe Lin with his crew, Free was also one of the competing teams in Astro Battleground 2009. They demonstrated very high standard performances, but wasn't good enough to fight the other extraordinarily strong teams that gathered all at once in that year's competition. To me, that was the most exciting street dance competition ever held in Malaysia. Do do check them out on Youtube... I dare to say the standard was a lot better than Showdown 2011. But still, I'll follow Showdown till the final. As for Joey, this is the first time I see him on TV, so I don't have much to say about him... :X


Sunday, June 12, 2011


It's been so long since I last spent so much time on drawing... ^^ first attempt using photoshop~

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Elecoldxhot: Showdown Week 6 Life Show

Here's Elecoldxhot's week 6 live show... I don't know whether I like this performance or not... I was waiting for the impact... but it just didn't come :/

They have set their benchmark so high on Week 4 live show that now they have no choice but to maintain that level of entertainment and difficulty, otherwise their performance would be overshadowed. I have seen better performances from them such as this one.

I guess what Elecoldxhot lacks of is grooving... Hope they work that out :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Elecoldxhot: Showdown 2011 Week 5

There you go. Yet another awesome performance by Elecoldxhot in Showdown 2011 week 5 live show. It's unquestionable that they were the best crew of the night, but I kinda feel it's overshadowed by last week performance... :/ maybe I just prefer trans over vampires.. nyehehe....

You know once you get famous, you can't escape your fate of being drawn into some horrible manga character by some crazy otaku fans... XDDDD Here's one on Dennis~<3