Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sucker Punch movie review

Although many people say that Sucker Punch is for guys, being a female audience, I have to say: ''The movie is pure awesomeness!''

Do expect lots of kick-ass fighting scenes with fabulous graphics and cool background music. Do expect hot chicks. Do also expect 'echi' costumes, guys would definitely like it ;D. If you are an otaku, you would also find some mild 'yuri' scenes throughout the movie. Basically I think the movie has a lot of Japanese anime essence in it. If it were to be an anime, one would classify it under 'action', 'mecha', 'echi', and 'psycho'.

However, I would not recommend the movie to those expecting storyline. The story is not well elaborated. There are loose ends here and there and it is hard to make sense out of the movie if you don't read the synopsis beforehand. The character development is also kind of limited. I would give 3.5 out of 5 for the storyline.

But then again, I would say the story is very unique, it is just like what the trailer emphasized, '' you will be unprepared''! And what I like most about this movie is that 'hot chicks fighting in sexy costumes' actually make sense in this movie! *spoiler ahead* Because the fighting scenes are the character's fantasies, so anything unrealistic about the fights automatically becomes acceptable. No one can actually say something like 'It's impossible throw that thing so high!' or 'how can she be so strong she doesn't even have biceps!' and so on... Those are her fantasies after all! And that's what so clever about the whole idea.

Now check out the trailer and one of my favourite songs from the soundtrack :) Enjoy.

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