Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sd report

This sem we need to design a clothes washer for our sustainable design subject. Rosemary, Ropalin , Debby and I were in one group. We're not mechanical engineers, we didn't know how a washing machine works, we're all girls, and yet we chose to design clothes washer because we thought small things were easier to design compared to big structures like bridge and house.... but we were wrong..zzz.. It was soooo hard to design a machine that can actually work and look sophisticated so that people dare to use. We knew nothing at all... and all we could do was just to let our imagination run wildly, but what could possibly come out of these little brains of ours?

But at last, we managed to squeezed out something...and hopefully we'll just pass because we really worked very hard... Rosemary was willing to do everything for the project even by the means of ruining her own reputation----

Rosemary STOLE dustbin in the library...XDDD!!!

omg...hahahhaha, I can't stop laughing everytime I watch this.... Such a brave rock!... We need to thank her for her hard effort otherwise we would never be able to complete the project...LOL!!

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